SQUIRE Friendly Journals Thank you for your interest in a list of journals which might publish your QI work. These lists are ones that we've gathered at SQUIRE, but are not intended to be the only journals who might be interested. We suggest that you reach out to your specialty or discipline journal editor to inquire whether they might be interested in a paper written with SQUIRE guidelines. Journals that co-published SQUIRE - Am. J. Critical Care
- Permanente Journal
- J. Surgical Research
- J. Continuing Education in Nursing
- Am. J. Medical Quality
- Canadian J. Diabetes
- J. Nursing Care Quality
- Joint Commission Journal
- J. American College of Surgeons
- BMJ Quality and Safety
Journals that publish QI reports - Annals of Internal Medicine
- Health Affairs
- Health care: J. of Delivery Science
- Implementation Science
- International J. for Quality in Health Care
- J. for Healthcare Quality
- J. of Clinical Outcomes Mgmt
- J. of Healthcare Risk Mgmt
- J. Pediatrics
- PLoS One
- Quality Mgmt in Health Care
- J. Nursing Care Mgmt